Sunday, February 22, 2009

Pray for the Philippines

Let's pray for our country everyday! 

We at Papemelroti believe in the power of prayer and it's something we can all do, to help bring restoration and healing to the many challenges we face as a nation. We encourage you to re-copy this prayer, print it out, get copies of it at our branches ('til supplies last) and post it at your offices, schools, churches and organizations.

"Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord; and the people whom He has chosen for His own inheritance."
- Psalm 33:12


Dearest Lord,

We praise and thank You for calling us to be Your people. We thank You for the times of triumph despite the ongoing challenges we face as a nation, knowing You have been with us always.

Have mercy for our failures, Lord, and make us into a people who will not forget You. Give us the grace to grow in love, service and obedience to Your laws.

We pray for our nation - strengthen and defend us in our daily battles. Help us to fight for our country by being good citizens and being part of the solution. Keep safe our families and the Godly values we hold dear.

We pray for our people - that we may grow united in love and appreciation for who we are as Filipinos. May we extend a hand to each other in selfless giving even when we feel we are the ones in need. Teach us to choose our leaders well.

We pray for our leaders - give them Your heart and wisdom to govern humbly and justly. Make them worthy examples of righteousness for the youth to emulate. We claim Your victory in our land Lord!

In Jesus' name. Amen.

I am overjoyed to have come across this prayer at the Papemelroti site! With the shadow of the 2010 elections upon us, we as citizens of our beloved Pearl of the Orient should start letting our voices be heard. Like raindrops on still water, let us make ripples of change in our nation. There is strength in number and power in prayer. Join me in prayer at 9:00 in the evening everyday - for the Philippines... for the Filipinos.

It's time to spread the word.

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