Monday, October 5, 2009

Kudos, Teachers!

Bloggers Unite and yours truly, together with the rest of the world, celebrate World Teachers' Day 2009.

5 October is a day to celebrate teachers and the central role they play in guiding children, youths & adults through the life-long learning process. This year, World Teachers’ Day will focus on the role of teachers within the context of the global financial and economic crisis and the need to invest in teachers now as a means to secure post-crisis regeneration.

It is critical, during these difficult times, to seek mechanisms that protect the teaching profession. It is also crucial, despite the crisis, to ensure that investment in teachers is sufficient and proportionate to the demands made upon them. It is the teaching force with its knowledge, experience and foresight which can bring new insights to global solutions. Join us in celebrating this!

To my co-teachers at A Child Can Foundation, Inc., I salute each and every one of you for your hard work, patience, compassion and dedication in transforming the lives of kids with special needs, all of whom have equally touched our lives. Cheers to the many years of helping each child achieve his fullest potential to the best of your abilities. The contribution you give to each family and society is truly invaluable.

I bid each and every one of you padayon, from a local Filipino dialect, which means "to continue" or "to go on". Remembering words from Leland's website: As a wise man once said, "It matters not how slowly you go, so long as you do not move backwards."

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