Sunday, August 22, 2010

Free falling

I have been to a steep valley these past couple of weeks.

Although I haven't full recovered, I am content to say that I am optimistically facing my fears and persistently doing the climb back to where I was - and possibly climb up higher to where I can be better.

The slightly funny thing about the whole ordeal is how I have realized that the drama which happens on television is nothing like the real drama in real life. (Of course, I didn't find it funny at all at the time I was going through the ordeal because I was concocting all these worst-case scenarios in my head as I tried to deal with the problem I was facing.) I even actually thought during those trying days that it couldn't be happening because those kind of things only happen on TV or in the movies. Well, turns out, and I believe, that real life has more drama than anything on television, no matter how sensationalized and romanticized they are. Even Shakespeare once said, "All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players." I guess that makes life the biggest 'production' of all, whatever genre it may be.

Anyway, I am not here to dwell on the drama of my past weeks nor on the mishaps of life in general. After all, it's no use to cry over spilled milk, right?

What I want to share is this:

We fall apart to figure out how we can put ourselves back together again and discover something we haven't seen before because we thought we already have everything we needed. And when we feel like we've broken ourselves beyond repair, all we need to know is there's nothing the One Who Made Us can't do - especially when it comes to fixing something that He created out of Love...

A friend of mine reminded me one day when I felt the world was slipping off my fingers: "Don't worry about it too much; think happy thoughts." I couldn't agree with her more - no matter how hard it may be most of the time.

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